Additional Information

Well, it's been a bit a bit of a ride from real-time engines to stuff the sort of like Houdini. I even touched Maya with Arnold at a point, tested out Mantra, Karma, different combinations of Renderman in combo with Houdini LOPS, volumetric camera, mocap, Hololens 2 and the list goes on and on...

But 2020 was the year I got introduced to Houdini and fell in love with what one may produce in it, as suddenly it felt like there was a software, that can actually handle everything you expect it to do, building from mere atoms and turning anything into atoms and just freely doing whatever you want with it all, which is a big wow in my eyes and generated a strong drive to get good at it.

In the end, I guess extra experience before the entire ALA experience would've turned out to be of a massive benefit as I felt like I kept running in loops but there's still lots of good experimentation I've conducted and built upon in the succeeding months.