
German B1.2
Albert Ruiz, Luis Arbona, Timothée Vernier, Fuad Soudah
Photoshop, InDesign
September 2016

Additional Information


Before my exchange period had even started, having taken care (as I thought at the time) of most of my pre-mobility duties, a thing that I had managed to conclude just right in time was the decision to take part in a german intensive language course.

Frankly, I did learn German in my High School. And I did even before, during my stay in Secondary School. All in all, I learned at a level equivalent of B1, which in the latter semesters peaked at B2. Nevertheless, I was fairly bad at learning this language and in fact I didn't put much of an effort and so I had to commit myself to a speedrun, once I learned of the direction I'd be going, at first offered, then agreed upon. It took around 2 months of intensive studies back in Australia, which rolled in and out, trying to recall as much as I could and then doing nothing for some days. I took a class, out of my own initiative and I pressed duolingo, which I found particularly profound in ease of how well it transcended educational material. Nevertheless, in a class, I was politely suggested to step down to a lower level. Notwithstanding, I stood my ground and remained (un?)reasonable.

After all, it all turned out that I didn't really need an actual B1 certificate to be further considered for the possibility of an exchange in Munich. The fact of which I learned thereafter I got to know a few alike exchange folks. The endeavors were justified and after all, I did an enormous part on my end, which involved taking a significant, extra load during my pre-exchange semester. At the time, I was clueless of what would be delivered. At the time, I believed the journey could turn easily into displeasure. Yet, I believed that taking an extra load could be worth-a-while. And there was no other way for me, rather than to keep on marching forward.

The best part about taking the class was the fact that it took place everyday. I was able to meet lots. Turned even out that one person came from exactly the same townarea in which I have been living for around 12 years. Small world, right? But then, the bad part? It took place everyday, its cost was unpropotional to content actually delivered. I wasn't a stranger to this type of an experience, having had taken a range of english courses in the past. There are always alternatives, you know?

Notwithstanding, the course required the creation of a poster on a specific topic, which at the time, as I believed, encompassed features of a certain cultural sphere, nation or of an event. Our team decided to workshop St. Martin's Day. Each section was written and presented by a different person. In addition, I took care of the visual part in InDesign, having presumed that I had the required skillset.

The only part for which I regret, which could've radically improved the quality of the print, was that I made the poster in an A1 version. Alas, an A2 type did not strike as compelling as it was meant to. The background showcases a traditional Martin's Day bonfire and a variety of sections disclose the cultural features of this day.

The creation of this poster took around a laidback duration of a week.