Creative Coding: Unity

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Well, what can I say, we had homework on a weekly basis!

Hah. To anyone reading this from whoever taught me in the past in Parsons, sorry but this one was my favorite unit taught by Paolo :)

I learned so much and heaps more during these lessons and managed to find absolute diamonds in the process which I believe even Paolo didn't preliminarily know. I got quite enrolled late into this unit and I didn't know it'd be him teaching but hey, that's how it turned out and you know, there was homework on a weekly basis which was hard yet motivating and I got invited to help out at a Unity Showcase/conference at Microsoft at Times Square where I learned of VFX Graph which became by primary focus later on.

There was lots of experimentation and assets creation and Parsons-motivated freedom for Artists to create what they want to create within a specific not-so-super-tight yet still quite clearly defined frame. I think the entire philosophy of how it all went with precise teaching delivered by Paolo along with assets and the way of showcasing that 'anyone can do this!' got me to the point that I actually produced some really cool things along with pretty cool presentations, of which I made a focus as well.

I don't remember everything but I remember I wanted to produce something I'd be on one hand perhaps later on proud of and on the other something that would put the class in awe once they saw what I produced. It all kind of stemmed from my feeling of inferiority once I arrived and got to, well, Parsons but also meaning to just really show myself also that it wasn't blind luck or oversight of fate in regards to where I landed in the end. And I think I managed producing one of my favorite things I've ever created in the end.